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Joe The ......Reporter?

1/13/2009 01:04:00 PM Posted In , , 0 Comments »

So the infamous Joe the Plumber has been sent to Israel to report on the growing tension between the Jewish state and Gaza. I never would've thought anyone would've paid to have this man sent anywhere to report on anything, but the conservative company pajamas media has done the unthinkable. On his first day of "reporting" Werzel-dumbass was quoted as saying the media should be banned from reporting on war because they don't know anything about it. Ok, so screw the bill of rights then buddy? Whatever happened to freedom of the press? Or have you not heard of it? You have to admit, he does have a knack for stretching 15 minutes of fame. I am absolutely tired of this man. First he pals around with McCain and Palin on the campaign trail, but only after the election he comes out saying he didn't think McCain had a clear understanding of the issues nor how to solve them. Yet he stayed. Using his new found notoriety to open up possible future careers. Drop the plumber act buddy. You don't even have a license! What happened to wanting to run for congress? What happened to the country music recording contract? Please please, spare your uneducated opinion on the matter of what reporters should or should not be able to report on. In case you haven't noticed, you are technically (and regretably) a reporter now.

Drop the act. You're a stupid little man. I sincerely hope you don't come back from Israel.


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