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He said what?

6/25/2008 02:22:00 AM 1 Comment »

Recently published in Fortune magazine, Charlie Black, a top senior adviser for John McCain, was quoted as saying "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him", in response to being asked how a terrorist attack might effect the candidacy of McCain. Political blunder? I think yes. Why? Well.....

It almost seems as if, now that I know top officials for McCain think in these ways about terrorism, they are almost hoping for it. I find the use of the word "certainly" in Black's statement to be very alarming. I would have to hear that sentence to interpret it correctly, but it seems as if the notion of a terrorist attack got him excited/hopeful, in the hope it would make his candidate appear more suited to be president. For some reason, Republicans have been seen as being tough on terrorists while Democrats are wimps. Personally, I think the Democrats in Congress are wimps. At least at first glance. Because the democratic nominee believes in having an actual talk with Iran's leaders, he is viewed as naive, inexperienced, and as an appeaser. However, it is the simple philosophy that before you go and knock down someones door, make sure you have the facts to explain why, how, and what. The Republican philosophy to the Middle East post 9/11 was to go in and beat the hell out of em', rather than analyzing the data first, and focusing our manpower in the correct locations. They [republicans] think with brawn, rather than brains. I kind of wonder why republicans are viewed as being tougher on terrorism. Since 9/11 we've had a republican president who has failed to make us safer, and mucked our name in the mud for almost 7 years. Even if they're was another terrorist attack, that would make me want to vote democratic even more this fall! Id be scared they'd "find intelligence" that Iran was behind it. Next thing you know, we're trying to invade they're country while simultaneously overextending our economy and resources.

My God. If McCain voted inline with 95% of Bush policies, I wonder how another terrorist attack would be handled. Probably not for the better.

...So we all know in the final days before the election of 2004, a tape was released of bin Laden that showed him in good health, and praising the insurgents who were killing Americans in Iraq currently. John Kerry still believes that this influenced some people that were still on the fence for Bush & Kerry, to side with Bush. It positioned the war at the top of the voters minds on election day, and in the end the majority favored Bush. Some are a little concerned about something like that occuring again this fall. I think most Americans will be smarter this time around in realizing that the policies and procedures that have been in place have not been working. So goes the saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." So bring on another tape. I wouldn't be suprised if another one pops out a week before November the 4th. What if Bush has one "leaked" in order to help his buddy get elected? Don't be suprised if it happens. Just remember, I called it. Or what if that long awaited overdue terrorist attack does come along......?

If you haven't already you should watch the studio film V For Vendetta. And if you have, you'll see where I'm going with this....

Lady in the street, but a......

6/19/2008 10:48:00 PM Posted In , , 0 Comments »

So I'm having some trouble understanding all the hooplah involved around Michelle Obama's comments on America. Sure, she said it was the first time in her adult life that she was proud of her country. What's the problem there? This country has brought most of its problems on itself. And when I say "country", I mean our government. Regular people like you and me have no role in the decisions we make. Michelle Obama falls into that category. Yes, republicans say that since she's on the campaign trail she's fair game to be attacked. I disagree. From my understanding, Cindy McCain has been on the campaign trail with her husband, republican candidate John McCain, and even given a few speeches to his supporters in the process. But no one talks about how she was a crackhead. I mean honestly, the woman stole medication from her own organization in order to feed her own personal addiction. But no one mentions that. I have no "beef" with Cindy McCain personally, but I believe if you're going to bag on Obama's wife for comments she's made, then it would only be natural to investigate "the other woman" involved in this. Her comments were blown way out of proportion to make her seem like she was un-patriotic or "ungrateful" for what America has given her, as one conservative put it. Yes, she did get a first class education at Princeton but that was because of her hard work and dedication. Anyone who's an American knows that nothing in this country is "given" to you. And for the other comments she made about how America is evil or something along those lines, lets take a minute to examine this country...

We went into a war under false pretenses, and invaded a country in the middle east based on false intelligence. We destroyed a countries infrastructure in order to gain monetarily. It wasn't to liberate the Iraqi people, or even to remove Saddam Hussein. It was to get oil. We spend something like 10 billion dollars a day in Iraq when public schools in Baltimore, and many other inner cities, don't have enough money to properly educate our future leaders. Its so much more than being proud of a country, but being proud of our leaders. Our leaders are the people that decide on our image, and so far, they aren't doing a very good job.

So in conclusion, I would just like to say that, before you point fingers at someone else, take a second to look at what you've done. I just love how Cindy talks about Michelle's comments. I quietly laugh inside while I ask myself, "Did she snort them, or swallow?" I still debate with myself on that.


6/15/2008 03:09:00 AM Posted In 0 Comments »
Hello everyone. I'm Nolan David Sylvia. I currently appear before you because I'd like to ignite a cause. I've recently graduated high school, and I am enrolled at Howard Community College located in the beautiful city of Columbia, Maryland. But see, this blog wont be about me. At least not entirely. The cause I speak of is a real one. It involves the direction in which our country is moving in, and the decisions that will influence it. It is a subject in which most people around my age (I'm 17), do not quite fully understand, nor are very much interested in. My aim in this blog is to bring out those people who may feel like their voice doesn't count, or aren't very much moved by the subject of politics at all. I want to help my peers understand the world, from someone on their level, who can identify the issues that will affect them most.
You may be wondering how a person like me (Black, gay, a less than stellar student) could've stumbled into such an arena. Well, it all started about 2 or 3 years ago. I started falling asleep to MSNBC, partly because it bored me and helped me go to sleep, but also because the anchors voices were always so soothing :) But one night, I couldn't sleep. I actually decided to watch the news for a change. What the heck I figured, "Find out what's going on in the world Nolan!". So I did. It was a rerun of Countdown with Keith Olbermann that had originally aired a couple hours previously. I have to admit that the colors are what initially attracted me. And his hair is so gorgeous I decided to stay a while. By the end of the hour this man had changed my whole view of the world. Sure, I had watched the news before. I was an avid NBC Nightly News guy with Peter Jennings. But I had never allowed myself to really sit down and watch an actual NEWSPROGRAM. Olbermann made my first real experience with politics, and foreign affairs quite enjoyable. He made it funny, witty, and understandable all at the same time. I steadily began to watch more often, maybe a couple times a week, and by the end of my senior year, my tv was on MSNBC at 6am when i got up for school, and 9:30pm when i got home from work. The whole primary season of course was the starting point of my obsession with politics. The exciting possibilities of the first African American, and Female candidates to be elected as President of the United States, got me.....I have to say.......a little excited. I watched the dramas unfold through the first caucus in Iowa to Obama's Jeremiah Wright controversy, through to Hilary's long awaited concession speech. The process that our country is involved in has me overwhelmed with the need of knowledge to understand our situation in this world. I've come to a place in my life where I feel obligated to share my thoughts with others so we can grow together and finally arrive at a place of understanding. It's sad that, even though teens ages 13-17 cant vote, aren't thoroughly well versed on current events. Or how certain outcomes of such a vital election, could sway their lives in ways they can't imagine. I hope to change that, one person at a time. This job's not going to be easy but someone has to do it.
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