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Obama opens the door...

4/21/2009 10:59:00 PM Posted In , , , 0 Comments »

Its a step. A rather good step. We cannot allow these Bush administration officials to get away with the laws they have broken. Attny General Holder is now considering to appoint a special counsel to investigate the recently leaked memos. Techniques like those used on our captives cannot be allowed to continue nor go unpunished. When respect for life, no matter who's life it is, is discarded, it is a problem. Locking people in boxes, chaining them to the ceiling, sleep deprivation among other things. This is reprehensible. This is not the middle ages, and if a modern superpower like the US cannot extract intelligence in any other way, we dont deserve to be a superpower.

Point: It is against international law to not prosecute known offenders of international laws on torture.

Get it done.


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