4/20/2009 04:17:00 PM 0 Comments »It's pretty crazy that our government tortured prisoners to the extent that we now know. The picture to the left is from the Abu Ghraib incident from a while back but shows the extent of brutality and cruelty the US chose to use in order to extract information from our enemies. It is equally disappointing to learn that the Obama administration will not be pursuing any course of legal action against those involved in the torture against prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. However, if everyone remembers, the soldiers involved at the very bottom of the command chain at Abu Ghraib were prosecuted in martial courts and served time for their part in the tortuous events that went on there. Then why cant the upper levels of government be held to the same accountability? That word seems to be thrown around a lot of late. Accountability. However, I cannot find it anywhere. At least with this issue.
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