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I Liked Her Better When Her Jaw Was Wired Shut

1/15/2009 09:39:00 PM Posted In , , 0 Comments »
Why oh why Lord!? Why didn't you just keep her mouth shut!?

Auf Wiedersehen! Finally!

1/15/2009 07:20:00 PM Posted In , 0 Comments »

Constant leakages have occured citing the highlights of the Bush presidency; the major points he plans to discuss during his farewell speech airing tonight at 8pm. However, I would first like to share an article on the conservative news site FOX with an interesting quote from Bush's final press conference this past Monday (1/12).

Per FoxNews.com-

"In terms of the decisions that I had made to protect the homeland, I wouldn't worry about popularity. What I would worry about is the Constitution of the United States and putting plans in place that makes it easier to find out what the enemy is thinking," he said Monday.

- The Pres

It's very easy to see through this man. I think he believes he doesn't make his intentions clear when he slyly puts certain verbage into a remark. Putting plans in place that make it "easier" George? That to me smells like wire tapping without a warrant, or the complete disregard of habeas corpus, or torturing people at will. He still thinks we're clueless. Maybe a little more than half the country was at one point, but the number of those still clueless people out there has dwindled over the past 7 years.

But anyway, our dear almost-former-president will make his final remarks tonight ( there will be a full analysis tomorrow), in a farewell address to the public. In a leaked section of his address, Bush says that the inauguration of Barack Obama will represent a "moment of hope and pride". I can agree with that, but for much different reasons. For one, This will be a moment of hope. Hope that this man we have now elected can fix the mistakes of your legacy you've left behind. It's a miracle we have all survived this time period. So yes, this will be a moment of hope indeed.
And two, this will definately be a moment of pride. For blacks, of course, but every American should find pride in the event that's about to become a reality. At least the rest of the world will like us more.

Joe The ......Reporter?

1/13/2009 01:04:00 PM Posted In , , 0 Comments »

So the infamous Joe the Plumber has been sent to Israel to report on the growing tension between the Jewish state and Gaza. I never would've thought anyone would've paid to have this man sent anywhere to report on anything, but the conservative company pajamas media has done the unthinkable. On his first day of "reporting" Werzel-dumbass was quoted as saying the media should be banned from reporting on war because they don't know anything about it. Ok, so screw the bill of rights then buddy? Whatever happened to freedom of the press? Or have you not heard of it? You have to admit, he does have a knack for stretching 15 minutes of fame. I am absolutely tired of this man. First he pals around with McCain and Palin on the campaign trail, but only after the election he comes out saying he didn't think McCain had a clear understanding of the issues nor how to solve them. Yet he stayed. Using his new found notoriety to open up possible future careers. Drop the plumber act buddy. You don't even have a license! What happened to wanting to run for congress? What happened to the country music recording contract? Please please, spare your uneducated opinion on the matter of what reporters should or should not be able to report on. In case you haven't noticed, you are technically (and regretably) a reporter now.

Drop the act. You're a stupid little man. I sincerely hope you don't come back from Israel.

Oh Did He Now?

1/12/2009 05:16:00 PM Posted In , 0 Comments »
So Obama has decided to allow New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson to deliver the invocation of the inaugural week. This event is sure shaping up to be a colorful array of faces. Being that Robinson is the first openly gay ordained priest, and Rick Warren is an open bigot, both should make for interesting discussion. I have to ask myself whether or not this decision was made just to calm the outrage over Obama's choice of Rick Warren to give the invocation on Inauguration Day. I dont know about anyone else, but this does not calm that outrage over for me. I know he is all about coming together and reaching consensus and listening to everyone's opinions but some shouldnt be heard. Especially in social settings such as an inauguration. However, I guess i shouldnt be so hard. We all have opinions. No matter how hate filled yours or mine may be, they are still valid. Valid to be heard that is.
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