He said what?
6/25/2008 02:22:00 AM 1 Comment »Recently published in Fortune magazine, Charlie Black, a top senior adviser for John McCain, was quoted as saying "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him", in response to being asked how a terrorist attack might effect the candidacy of McCain. Political blunder? I think yes. Why? Well.....
It almost seems as if, now that I know top officials for McCain think in these ways about terrorism, they are almost hoping for it. I find the use of the word "certainly" in Black's statement to be very alarming. I would have to hear that sentence to interpret it correctly, but it seems as if the notion of a terrorist attack got him excited/hopeful, in the hope it would make his candidate appear more suited to be president. For some reason, Republicans have been seen as being tough on terrorists while Democrats are wimps. Personally, I think the Democrats in Congress are wimps. At least at first glance. Because the democratic nominee believes in having an actual talk with Iran's leaders, he is viewed as naive, inexperienced, and as an appeaser. However, it is the simple philosophy that before you go and knock down someones door, make sure you have the facts to explain why, how, and what. The Republican philosophy to the Middle East post 9/11 was to go in and beat the hell out of em', rather than analyzing the data first, and focusing our manpower in the correct locations. They [republicans] think with brawn, rather than brains. I kind of wonder why republicans are viewed as being tougher on terrorism. Since 9/11 we've had a republican president who has failed to make us safer, and mucked our name in the mud for almost 7 years. Even if they're was another terrorist attack, that would make me want to vote democratic even more this fall! Id be scared they'd "find intelligence" that Iran was behind it. Next thing you know, we're trying to invade they're country while simultaneously overextending our economy and resources.
My God. If McCain voted inline with 95% of Bush policies, I wonder how another terrorist attack would be handled. Probably not for the better.
...So we all know in the final days before the election of 2004, a tape was released of bin Laden that showed him in good health, and praising the insurgents who were killing Americans in Iraq currently. John Kerry still believes that this influenced some people that were still on the fence for Bush & Kerry, to side with Bush. It positioned the war at the top of the voters minds on election day, and in the end the majority favored Bush. Some are a little concerned about something like that occuring again this fall. I think most Americans will be smarter this time around in realizing that the policies and procedures that have been in place have not been working. So goes the saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." So bring on another tape. I wouldn't be suprised if another one pops out a week before November the 4th. What if Bush has one "leaked" in order to help his buddy get elected? Don't be suprised if it happens. Just remember, I called it. Or what if that long awaited overdue terrorist attack does come along......?
If you haven't already you should watch the studio film V For Vendetta. And if you have, you'll see where I'm going with this....
It almost seems as if, now that I know top officials for McCain think in these ways about terrorism, they are almost hoping for it. I find the use of the word "certainly" in Black's statement to be very alarming. I would have to hear that sentence to interpret it correctly, but it seems as if the notion of a terrorist attack got him excited/hopeful, in the hope it would make his candidate appear more suited to be president. For some reason, Republicans have been seen as being tough on terrorists while Democrats are wimps. Personally, I think the Democrats in Congress are wimps. At least at first glance. Because the democratic nominee believes in having an actual talk with Iran's leaders, he is viewed as naive, inexperienced, and as an appeaser. However, it is the simple philosophy that before you go and knock down someones door, make sure you have the facts to explain why, how, and what. The Republican philosophy to the Middle East post 9/11 was to go in and beat the hell out of em', rather than analyzing the data first, and focusing our manpower in the correct locations. They [republicans] think with brawn, rather than brains. I kind of wonder why republicans are viewed as being tougher on terrorism. Since 9/11 we've had a republican president who has failed to make us safer, and mucked our name in the mud for almost 7 years. Even if they're was another terrorist attack, that would make me want to vote democratic even more this fall! Id be scared they'd "find intelligence" that Iran was behind it. Next thing you know, we're trying to invade they're country while simultaneously overextending our economy and resources.
My God. If McCain voted inline with 95% of Bush policies, I wonder how another terrorist attack would be handled. Probably not for the better.
...So we all know in the final days before the election of 2004, a tape was released of bin Laden that showed him in good health, and praising the insurgents who were killing Americans in Iraq currently. John Kerry still believes that this influenced some people that were still on the fence for Bush & Kerry, to side with Bush. It positioned the war at the top of the voters minds on election day, and in the end the majority favored Bush. Some are a little concerned about something like that occuring again this fall. I think most Americans will be smarter this time around in realizing that the policies and procedures that have been in place have not been working. So goes the saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." So bring on another tape. I wouldn't be suprised if another one pops out a week before November the 4th. What if Bush has one "leaked" in order to help his buddy get elected? Don't be suprised if it happens. Just remember, I called it. Or what if that long awaited overdue terrorist attack does come along......?
If you haven't already you should watch the studio film V For Vendetta. And if you have, you'll see where I'm going with this....